A responsible business, which also aim to improve quality of life of their surrounding community, has the challenge to develop without increasing the overall use of resources and the adverse effect on the environment. This is very much part of what it means to become more sustainable.
Companies can use CSR as an integral cultural element in their policy or mission statements, so far including:
• visione and values outline of the ethical position of the company and show a commitment to build relationships with communities and perform beyond compliance standards to achieve truly responsible outcomes;
• set CSR objectives as a useful tool for monitoring and reporting performance, and for helping the firm’s communication and dialogue with its stakeholders.
The Governance Plan puts consumer behavior in the context of sustainability, and promote CSR as part of their brand.
The marketing strategy, supported by the analysis of socio-environmental priorities, and the integration of social, ethical and environmental values will develop the new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix of products and/ or services.
The performance analysis will check the achievement of the planned objectives.